Topological Sort

Note : To understand Topological Sort ,we recommend you,please first refer Graph Data Structure and Graph Algorithm Section.

  • Topological Sorting of a Directed Graph is a linear sorting of its nodes/vertices.For example Directed Edge UV means U is pointing to V and not Vice Versa ,means you have to visit on U first then V ,means if you want visit on V then you have to first visit on U.
  • Topological Sorting based on the Conditional Processing,means when condition is fulfilled then processing will occurs.
    Example :In Below diagram ,When Condition is true then will go for Task Processing.

  • for Directed edge AB, B should never appear before A.
  • for Directed edge ABCE, A always appear before B ,C and E. and B always appear before E,and C always appear before E.
  • Directed edge DE, D always appear before E.
  • Topological Sorting is only applicable for Directed Graph .For Undirected Graph Topological sorting is impossible.
  • For Topological Sorting ,Our Graph must be free from the Cycle.
    means Graph should be Acyclic.
  • Graph must be DAG type means DAG(Directed Acyclic Graph).
  • Topological Sorting produce linear ordering output of vertices.
  • Broadly we can say that Topological Sorting is based on Depth First Search(DFS).
  • For every DAG, atleast one topological sort is possible.

Working Process of Topological Sort

We have to follow the below step to sort the graph. Suppose a Graph G(V,E) where V ={Set of Vertices} , E={Set of Edges}.We use two Data Structure , Stack and Queue(Q). Stack(S) use for Sorting sequences of Vertices or Sequence of visited Vertices. Queue is used to store the vertices which have In-degree 0.

  • Step-1 : Compute the In-degree of all vertices and insert into Queue Q, which vertices have In-degree 0.
  • Step-2 : remove one vertex from the Queue and push into Stack S.
  • Step-3 : Find out the In-degree of all vertices and if any vertex have 0 In-degree then insert those vertices into Queue Q.
  • Step-4 : Repeat Until Queue become empty.

Explanation of Topological Sort by Example

Below is the Graph G(V,E). initialized one queue Q which is empty and also one Stack S ,which is also empty :

  • Green Color nodes means visited node.

  • Here Only Vertices A and D have In-degree 0.
  • So insert A and D into Queue Q So Q={A,D}
  • Remove A from Queue and push into Stack S,
    So S={A}.
  • Mark A as visited means color it by Green.
  • Find the again In-degree of All Vertices.

  • Queue is Q={D}.
  • here only D and C have In-degree 0.
  • Insert C into Queue Q and D is already present in Q ,So need to insert.
    Queue Q={D,C}.
  • Remove D from Queue and push into Stack S,
  • So S={A,D}.
  • Mark D as visited means color it by Green.
  • Find the again In-degree of All Vertices.

  • Queue is Q={C}.
  • here only B and C have In-degree 0.
  • Insert B into Queue Q and C is already present in Q ,So need to insert.
    Queue Q={C,B}.
  • Remove C from Queue and push into Stack S,
  • So S={A,D,C}.
  • Mark C as visited means color it by Green.
  • Find the again In-degree of All Vertices.

  • Queue is Q={B}.
  • here only B has In-degree 0.
  • B is already present in Q ,So need to insert.
    Queue Q={B}.
  • Remove B from Queue and push into Stack S,
  • So S={A,D,C,B}.
  • Mark B as visited means color it by Green.
  • Find the again In-degree of All Vertices.

  • Queue is Q={}.
  • Now Queue Q is empty
    So Vertex E will push into Stack S. So S={A,D,C,B,E}.

So Topological Sort Sequence will be the Stack S{A,D,C,B,E}.means Sorting sequence is ADCBE.
There can be more than one topological sort sequences like ACDBE is also correct.

Animation of Topological Sort

Code Implementation

#define VERTICES 5  
using namespace std;
stack<int> stk; // Create one integer stack 
// Graph is represented by Adjacency Matrix.
int CreateGraph[VERTICES][VERTICES] = {
   {0, 1, 1, 0, 0},
   {0, 0, 0, 0, 1},
   {0, 0, 0, 1, 1},
   {0, 1, 0, 0, 1},
   {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

void topologicalSort(int u, bool visited[], stack<int>&stk) {
   visited[u] = true;                //set as the node v is visited

   for(int v = 0; v<VERTICES; v++) {
      if(CreateGraph[u][v]) {             //for allvertices v adjacent to u
            topologicalSort(v, visited, stk);
   stk.push(u);     //push starting vertex into the stack

void ApplyTopologicalSort() {
   bool Isvisited[VERTICES]; // Create one boolean type array of size VERTICES.

   for(int i = 0; i<VERTICES; i++) // Makes all Vertices are Un-visited.
      Isvisited[i] = false;     

   for(int i = 0; i<VERTICES; i++) //Perform topological sort for Un-visited Node.
         topologicalSort(i, Isvisited, stk);

main() {
   printf("topological Order Sequence :");
      while(!stk.empty()) {
          case 0:
          cout << "A" << " ";
          case 1:
          cout << "B" << " ";
          case 2:
          cout << "C" << " ";
          case 3:
          cout << "D" << " ";
          case 4:
          cout << "E" << " ";
          case 5:
          cout << "F" << " ";

Time & Space Complexity

Complexity of Topological Sort is depend upon the representation of Graph,means how a graph is implemented. For Example :

  • if graph is represented by Adjacency List then complexity will be different.
  • if graph is represented by Adjacency matrix ,in this case complexity will be different.
  • Time Complexity in the case of Adjacency List will be O(|E|+|V|),
  • where E=Number of Edges. V=Number of Vertices/Nodes, and
  • Order of O(|E|) can be in range O(1) to O(V^{2})
  • Time Complexity in the case of Adjacency Matrix will be O(V^{2}),
  • where V=Number of Vertices/Nodes
  • Worst Case Space Complexity is O(|V|)


  • Can be use to representing course prerequisites
  • Evaluation of formulae in spreadsheet.
  • Detecting deadlocks Points
  • Can be use in Pipeline of computing jobs
  • Can be use to Checking for symbolic link loop

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