What is a virtual function in C++ and how does it work?

In C++, a virtual function is a member function of a base class that can be overridden in a derived class. It enables dynamic polymorphism, allowing different objects to be treated as objects of the base class while invoking the appropriate derived class implementation of the function.

To declare a virtual function, you need to use the virtual keyword in the function declaration within the base class. For example:

class Base {
    virtual void someFunction() {
        // Base class implementation

Here, someFunction() is declared as a virtual function in the Base class.

When a virtual function is overridden in a derived class, you use the override keyword to indicate that you are intentionally overriding the base class function. It helps catch errors at compile-time if the function signatures don’t match correctly. Here’s an example of a derived class overriding the virtual function:

class Derived : public Base {
    void someFunction() override {
        // Derived class implementation

In the derived class, someFunction() is declared with the override keyword, indicating that it is meant to override the virtual function in the base class.

When you have a pointer or reference to an object of the base class, and you call a virtual function through that pointer or reference, the appropriate derived class implementation of the function is executed at runtime. This is known as dynamic dispatch or late binding.

Base* objPtr = new Derived();
objPtr->someFunction();  // Calls the derived class implementation

In this example, even though the pointer objPtr is of type Base*, the someFunction() call will invoke the derived class implementation because it is marked as virtual.

it call’s always most derived version of the function.

Virtual functions provide a powerful mechanism in C++ for achieving polymorphism, allowing you to write code that can work with objects of different derived classes through a common base class interface.

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