Comparison of BFS and DFS

The Big advantage of DFS(Depth First Search) is lower memory consuption. and BFS(Breadth Search Algorithm) use more than DFS.because DFS don’t store the information of all the child.But in BFS we need to store.But still both algorithm depends more on problem types.


  1. Memory Usage:
    • BFS: Uses a queue to keep track of vertices at the current level. This may result in higher memory usage.
    • DFS: Utilizes a stack (or recursion in the case of function call stack), generally requiring less memory.
  2. Path Finding:
    • BFS: Guarantees the shortest path in an unweighted graph due to its level-by-level exploration.
    • DFS: May not find the shortest path; it depends on the order in which nodes are explored.
  3. Completeness:
    • BFS: Complete for finite graphs.
    • DFS: Not necessarily complete; it might get stuck in an infinite loop if not implemented carefully.
  4. Time Complexity:
    • BFS: Generally has a higher time complexity compared to DFS. It is O(V + E), where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges.
    • DFS: Typically has a lower time complexity, O(V + E), making it more efficient for large and sparse graphs.
  5. Applications:
    • BFS: Often used in scenarios where the shortest path is crucial, such as network routing protocols, social network analysis, and puzzle-solving algorithms like the 15-puzzle.
    • DFS: Well-suited for problems involving cycle detection, topological sorting, and solutions with multiple paths, like mazes and game simulations.
  6. Space Complexity:
    • BFS: Requires additional memory to store the queue, making it less memory-efficient for large graphs.
    • DFS: Generally has a lower space complexity as it only needs to store the vertices on the current path, making it more suitable for memory-constrained environments.
  7. Order of Visitation:
    • BFS: Guarantees that nodes are visited in increasing order of their distance from the source node.
    • DFS: The order of visitation is dependent on the order in which neighbors are explored, leading to different traversal paths.

following is the Comparison Table :

Type of AlgorithmEdge-based algorithmVertex-based algorithm
Memory RequirementVery LessMore
Output StructureNarrow and Big in SizeWide and Small
Data Structure UsedStackQueue
SpeedGood SpeedNot much good
When Used?If tree is very WideIf tree is very deep
Complexity O(|V|+|E|)O(|V|+|E|)

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