Depth First Search(DFS)

  • DFS is also a type graph traversal algorithm similar to the BFS ,means if we want to visit on every node/vertices through their connected edges.
  • DFS is the complement of Depth First Search(DFS).
  • DFS use a Stack Data Structure.
  • DFS explore the all the vertices depth to depth.
  • DFS continues to go deeper.


Initialize an Graph G(V,E).and create an empty Stack.Start from any Vertex(Node). Now Apply Below rules :

Rule-1 : Check selected Node is already visited or not. if node id already visited then directly go to the Rule-3.
Rule-2 : Marks selected Node as visited Node, and insert their neighbor into Stack.
Stack must be unique ,means if a node is already inserted then there is no need to insert again.
Rule-3 : Pick one Node element from the Stack by applying delete operation on Stack.
Rule-4 : Repeat Rule-1,Rule-2 and Rule-3 until Stack is empty.

Explanation of DFS by Example

Below is the Graph G(V,E). we will Start from Node A. and initialized one queue Q which is empty :

  • Green Color : Visited Node
  • Blue Color : Neighbor of Selected Node from the Stack
  • Yellow Color : Selected Node from the Stack.
Depth First Search(DFS)

Depth First Search(DFS)
  • Stack is S={}.
  • Here we have selected Node A. and marked as Yellow.
  • Neighbor of A is B and C.
  • Push B and C into Stack S.So S= {B,C}
  • Marks A as Visited means color it by Green.

Depth First Search(DFS)
  • Stack is S={B,C}.
  • Here we have selected Node C. and marked as Yellow.
  • Neighbor of C is B and A.
    But A is already visited and B is already present in Stack ,So no need to push.
  • S={B}
  • Marks C as Visited means color it by Green.

Depth First Search(DFS)
  • Stack is S={B}.
  • Here we have selected Node B. and marked as Yellow.
  • Neighbor of B is A,C and D.
    But A and C is already visited. ,So no need to Push.Only D will Push into Stack S.
  • S={D}
  • Marks B as Visited means color it by Green.

Depth First Search(DFS)
  • Stack is S={D}.
  • Here we have selected Node D. and marked as Yellow.
  • Neighbor of D is B and E.
    But B is already visited ,So no need to Push.Only E will Push into Stack S.
  • S={E}
  • Marks D as Visited means color it by Green.

Depth First Search(DFS)
  • Stack is S={E}.
  • Here we have selected Node E. and marked as Yellow.
  • Neighbor of E is D.
    But D is already visited ,So no need to Push.
  • S={}
  • Marks E as Visited means color it by Green.

Depth First Search(DFS)
  • Stack is S={}.
  • Now Stack is Empty , we will close the Process.
  • When Stack is empty means all nodes or vertices are visited.

Animation of DFS

Depth First Search(DFS)

Code Implementation of DFS

using namespace std; 

class CreateGraph 
	int V; // Number  of vertices 
	list<int> *adj; // Pointer to an List containing adjacency lists 
	void DFSTempMethod(int v, bool visited[]); // A Menthod used by DFS temporarely 
	CreateGraph(int V); // Constructor 
	void EdgeAddition(int v, int w); // Method of additon an edge to graph 
	void DFSAlgorithms(); //Call for DFS Algorithm  

CreateGraph::CreateGraph(int V) 
	this->V = V; 
	adj = new list<int>[V]; 

void CreateGraph::EdgeAddition(int v, int w) 
	adj[v].push_back(w); // Add w to v’s list. 

void CreateGraph::DFSTempMethod(int v, bool visited[]) 
	// Marked the selected node as visited.
	visited[v] = true; 
	cout << v << " "; 

	list<int>::iterator adjVer; 
	for(adjVer = adj[v].begin(); adjVer != adj[v].end(); ++adjVer) 
			DFSTempMethod(*adjVer, visited); 

// The Method for  DFS traversal.
void CreateGraph::DFSAlgorithms() 
	// Mark all the vertices which are not visited 
	bool *visited = new bool[V]; 
	for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) 
		visited[i] = false; 

	for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) 
		if (visited[i] == false) 
			DFSTempMethod(i, visited); 

int main() 
	// Create a graph.
	CreateGraph NumberOfNode(5);  //Number of Node is 4
	NumberOfNode.EdgeAddition(0, 1);  //Node-0 is connected to Node-1
	NumberOfNode.EdgeAddition(0, 2); //Node-0 is connected to Node-2
	NumberOfNode.EdgeAddition(1, 2); //Node-1 is connected to Node-2
	NumberOfNode.EdgeAddition(1, 3); //Node-1 is connected to Node-3
	NumberOfNode.EdgeAddition(2, 0); //Node-2 is connected to Node-0
	NumberOfNode.EdgeAddition(2, 1); //Node-2 is connected to Node-1
	NumberOfNode.EdgeAddition(3, 1); //Node-3 is connected to Node-1
	NumberOfNode.EdgeAddition(3, 4); //Node-3 is connected to Node-4
	NumberOfNode.EdgeAddition(4, 3); //Node-4 is connected to Node-3 

	cout << "Sequence of traversal of DFS : "<<endl;

	return 0; 
Depth First Search(DFS)

Time & Space Complexity

Complexity of DFS is depend upon the representation of Graph,means how a graph is implemented. For Example :

  • if graph is represented by Adjacency List then complexity will be different.
  • if graph is represented by Adjacency matrix ,in this case complexity will be different.
  • Time Complexity in the case of Adjacency List will be O(|E|+|V|),
    where E=Number of Edges. V=Number of Vertices/Nodes, and
    Order of O(|E|) can be in range O(1) to O(V^{2})
  • Time Complexity in the case of Adjacency Matrix will be O(V^{2}),
  • where V=Number of Vertices/Nodes
  • Worst Case Space Complexity is O(|V|)

Application of DFS

  • Used in Topological sorting.
  • Use to Find articulation points (cut vertices) of the graph.
  • Use to Find strongly connected components.
  • Use to Find connected components
  • Solving puzzles such as mazes.
  • Generation of words in order to plot the limit of a graph. etc

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