- Linked list is the another way of Stack Implementation.
- Push and Pop Operation will be apply at the beginning(front) of List.
- Linked List representation is something good approach,because it is growable and shrinkable as per requirements.
- HeadPointer of Linked list work as a top variable for pointing the stack pointer.
- Linked List Representation of Stack is similar to the Insertion of node at beginning(front) in Singly Linked List.
Push & Pop (Insertion & Deletion Operation)
Working process of Push and Pop operations are following :
Code Implementation
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
struct CreateNode // Node Structure Initialization
int data; // for data element
struct CreateNode* nextNode; //for storing the address of next element
struct CreateNode *top = NULL; // Initialization of HeadPointer/front
void Push(int data) // Method of Push Operation
//Memory Initialization for NewNode
struct CreateNode* NewNode = (struct CreateNode *)malloc(sizeof(struct CreateNode *));
if (NewNode != NULL)
if (top == NULL)
NewNode->data = data;
top = NewNode;
NewNode->nextNode = NULL;
printf("DataElement %d has been Pushed into Stack...\n", data);
NewNode->data = data;
NewNode->nextNode = top;
top = NewNode;
printf("DataElement %d has been Pushed into Stack...\n", data);
printf("Memory is not Initialized for New DataElement.");
bool IsEmptyStack() // Method to check the Empty status of Stack.
return top == NULL;
void Pop() // Method of Pop Operation
if (!IsEmptyStack())
struct CreateNode* TempNode = NULL; // Create one TempNode
TempNode = top;
top = top->nextNode;
printf("%d is popped from the stack\n ", TempNode->data);
free(TempNode); // delete the front node or Memory deallocation of front node.
printf("Stack is in the Underflow Condition...");
int main()
int data, choice, ChoosePushPop;
printf("1 : for Push Operation\n");
printf("2 : for Pop Operation\n");
printf("Press 1 or 2 --- : ");
std::cin >> ChoosePushPop;
switch (ChoosePushPop)
case 1:
printf("Enter the data for Push :");
std::cin >> data;
printf("Press 0 for more Push :");
std::cin >> choice;
} while (choice == 0);
case 2:
printf("\nPress 0 for more Pop Operation :");
std::cin >> choice;
} while (choice == 0);
} while (ChoosePushPop == 1 || ChoosePushPop == 2);
printf("DataElement after Push/Pop process :\n");
struct CreateNode *Temp = top;
while (Temp->nextNode != NULL)
printf("%d ", Temp->data);
Temp = Temp->nextNode;
printf("%d ", Temp->data);
return 0;
Time & Space Complexity
- Push Operation Time Complexity will be O(1).
- Pop Operation Time Complexity will be O(1).
- IsEmptyStack Time Complexity will be O(1).
- IsFullStack Time Complexity will be O(1).
- Space Complexity will be O(n).