Types of Searching

broadly Search Algorithms are categorized following :
1- Sequential Search or Linear Search
2- Interval Search

1-Sequential Search

This type of Searching algorithm use when data is Unordered or Unsorted.
In this searching type, we check all the elements of list or array.
Example : Linear Search.

2-Interval Search

These types of searching algorithm are applicable only when data is ordered or sorted.these types of algorithm have good performance and more efficient than linear search.
In this algorithm,one specific parameter or function is used to divide the list or array to reduce the search space.
Example : Binary Search.

Apart from the above we will also discuss following searching algorithm:

  1. Unordered Linear Search
  2. Ordered Linear Search
  3. Binary Search
  4. Symbol Table and Hashing
  5. String Search Algorithms
  6. Jump Search
  7. Interpolation Search
  8. Exponential Search
  9. Sub-List Search
  10. Fibonacci Search

Symbol Table and Hashing

Symbol Table and Hashing are not a Searching Algorithm, Both are an Data Structure.
But if we apply Searching Techniques on these Data Structure(Symbol Table & Hashing),then we will get very good time complexities.
For Detail discussion please refer Symbol Table and Hashing Chapter.

String Search Algorithms

String Search Algorithms are very popular and most useful algorithms in Software development.Complete Discussion is available in String Search Algorithm Chapter. Some Examples are :
7.1 : Auto-Complete Suggestion of URL entering.
7.2 : Auto-Complete Suggestion of Searching on Search Engine. etc


Jump Search, Interpolation Search, Exponential Search,Sub-List Search and Fibonacci Search are not much important , So here we will not discuss about their concepts.

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