Types of Sorting

There are a lot of sorting algorithm,we can broadly classified into following types :
1 : Internal Sorting
2 : External Sorting

1 : Internal Sorting

Internal sorting types algorithms don’t require extra space(Hard Disk etc) to execute the statement,It use main memory(RAM) space to complete process.These types of algorithm are very fast and performance as much as good.
Some common internal sorting algorithms include:

  • Bubble Sort
  • Insertion Sort
  • Quick Sort
  • Heap Sort
  • Radix Sort
  • Selection sort

We will discuss all above algorithm in details.

2 : External Sorting

External Sorting types algorithm generally handle huge amount of data,So it requires extra space (Hard disk) to execute all the process.
when main memory(RAM) can’t take all the data at a same time ,then remaining data will resides external memory.
Some common external sorting algorithms include:

  • Distributing Sorting : resembles the Quick Sort
  • External merge sort : resembles the Merge Sort.

Internal Sorting & External Sorting types Algorithms are the part of Comparison Based Sorting algorithm.because in these algorithm,we use a lot of comparison and swapping operation.
But some Non-Comparison types sorting algorithms are also there :

  • Radix Sort
  • Count Sort
  • Bucket Sort

Sorting Operations

There are some following operations ,most sorting algorithm use it :

  • Statement Comparison
  • Data Swapping

Complexities of Sorting Algorithm generally depends upon the comparison and swapping.

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