What is Graph Algorithm?

  • Graph is a Non-Linear Data Structure, which is pair of Nodes/Vertices and Edges represent by G(V,E) where G = Graph, V= number of Vertices/Nodes and E=number of Edges.

Note : Here we will not discuss about the Graph Data Structure, This chapter is designed for Algorithm which is based upon the Graph Data Structure.
For Graph Data Structure you can refer Graph Chapter in Data Structure Section.

Graph Algorithms are the bunch of algorithm which is applied on Graph Data structure.

There is many problems which is based on Graph like :

  • Airline route map
  • Train route map
  • Internet Network
  • Social network connections
  • Local Area Network(LAN)
  • Wild Area Network(WAN)
  • Dependency of Tables in Database System. etc

We will discuss all types of graph algorithms for different different problems.Following are the some popular graph algorithm :

  • Prim’s algorithm
  • Kruskal algorithm
  • Dijkstra Algorithm
  • Bellman-Ford Algorithm
  • Floyd Warshal Algorithm
  • Breadth Fiirst Search(BFS)
  • Depth First Search(DFS) etc


  • Graph can be use make a model many types of relations in physical ,biological,social and information system.
  • Major field is Computer Science.
  • Used in Linguistic : syntax ,natural language follow the tree based structure which is a part of hierarchical Graph.
    lexical semantics is also implemented in Graph. lexical semantics means single word is related to ,how many related words.
  • In Biology.
  • Mathematics.
  • Physics and Chemistry. etc

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