What is Searching?

Search is the process of finding items from a list or collection of items or collection of attributes, These items can be anything which can stored in the form of records in the database, or just a homogeneous items are stored in Arrays, text data in files, nodes in trees or linked list, vertices and edges in graphs, or they may be other elements in Data Storage.

Searching is not only a part of Computer Science, It is also a part of our real life to solved many physical problems.

It is one of the core computer science algorithms and also very old. In Modern time computers or any storage devices store a lot of information.
To retrieve this information proficiently we need very efficient and fast searching algorithms. But for efficient searching , we need to organize data in proper order to improves the searching process. Means if we need very fast and efficient searching technique then data storage should store the data in proper manner.

Applications of Search in Industry

There are a lot of uses in industry specially in Software industry :

  • Search engine is also based on Searching algorithm ,which is finding the index searching of websites.
  • Operating System Use also searching algorithm to search the sequential task or process to execute in CPU.
  • Operating System have a lot of files and installed applications, for searching those files and applications, we need an efficient search techniques.
  • Auto-Complete Suggestion Implementation of URL.

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